Obvious, right? Of course it's obvious. I mean seriously, all those web sites about OpenID telling me to use my email address or a per user URI to login makes it obvious that everyone would be using the same URI that has nothing in it that identifies me.
Before the OpenID twits start falling over themselves to tell me I'm an idiot, let me remind them that I worked on real systems that were real and users could actually use. Sheesh guys, you're seriously making PKIX look intelligible. This reinforces my opinion that OpenID is a technology developed by myopic twits with their heads so far up their collective a**es they've never seen daylight, much less have the light to read a good book on user centered design.
Honestly, if OpenID is the future of the web, I'm moving to Fiji to implement SAML over avian carrier. You want me as an app developer to hype your lame assed s*** so your confused identity providers can confuse the f*** out of MY USERS with crap like using the same URI for everyone. And for *****'s sake, a******, it's not like you could have a standard or something that says, "open id's are [username]
No! That's way too understandable. Hell, if you did that, then actual users could use your technology. Oh! The horror! The horror! Someone who doesn't know what XRDS is could actually understand how to make the damn'd thing work!
And don't get me started about Plaxo and Facebook. WTF? Plaxo's putting up random IFRAMEs over the facebook page? What? Are you f****** high? You're seriously trying to tell me users can trust the OpenID experience because they'll always be able to look at the URL of the page they type their credentials into, but now you're using IFRAMEs? What?
FFS kids, the world isn't a blog comment. OpenID is a bag full of fail. Go back and finish your degrees already.
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